Who's the Best Pilot You Ever Saw?

Well, of course, it's you! 

Let's face it, you've spent the better part of your life honing your flying skills and now you want to parlay that aviation experience into the last job you'll ever have: flying for a major air or cargo carrier. You might be the best pilot you ever saw, but you may or may not have those interpersonal and technical skills necessary to successfully compete once you land that coveted interview. Or you just may be out of practice. Either way, you certainly don't want to wait for a second chance by not being thoroughly prepared on your first chance. This is where we can help.

V1ROT8 brings together one of the most respected airline interview prep counselors in the business with a current and qualified pilot from a major airline. Together, they will help prepare you to become the best pilot your future employer has ever seen!

V1ROT8...where possibility becomes reality.

Let us help you.

Last Updated: 7/28/2011